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  1. Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise de Bonald „entstammte einer Familie alten französischen Landadels in der südlichen Provinz Rouergue“. Im Jahr 1769 trat er in das von der katholischen Bruderschaft der Oratorianer geleitete Kolleg in Juilly ein, einem im 18. Jahrhundert vom französischen Adel bevorzugten Internat östlich von Paris.Von 1774 bis zu deren Auflösung Ende 1776 absolvierte er eine ...

  2. Louis de Bonald. Louis-Gabriel-Ambroise ( Millau, 2 de outubro de 1754 – Millau, 23 de novembro de 1840 ), Visconde de Bonald, foi um filósofo francês adversário do iluminismo e da teoria política em que se baseou a Revolução Francesa. Juntamente com Lamennais no domínio da filosofia, Joseph de Maistre na religião, Ferdinand d ...

  3. Louis de Bonald’s Univocity of Being: The Mythos of the Fait Sociale and the Rise of French Sociology Nathan P. Carson Introduction Eminent American sociologist Peter Berger once asserted that “Today the sociological perspective constitutes the ‘fiery brook’ through which the theologian must pass.”1 Bryan Wilson, one of the most ...

  4. Louis de Bonald was born in 1754 to a noble Provencal family. He was a philosopher, politician, and counter-revolutionary who promoted theories of theocracy and traditionalism. He died in 1840. This translation was originally published in Critics of the Enlightenment, 2nd edition, 2020, by Cluny Media of Providence, Rhode Island. The collection ...

  5. Louis Gabriel Ambroise, Vizconde de Bonald, perteneció a uno de los linajes más antiguos de Rouergue. Había nacido en el castillo de Mouna, cerca de Millau, el 29 de octubre de 1754 y, como correspondía a su rango, fue educado siguiendo los requisitos del antiguo régimen, ingresando muy joven en el cuerpo de Mosqueteros del Rey, donde ...

  6. Louis de Bonald now-a-days any more than they ever did. And yet neither Joseph de Maistre nor still less Chateaubriand or Lamennais was the real fountain-head of the anti-democratic thought of the last century. That responsibility is beyond doubt de Bonald's. With the clairvoyance of hatred and the cold fanati-

  7. 9 quotes from Louis de Bonald: 'When God wished to punish France, he took away the Bourbons from her governance', 'All that is to last is slow to grow.', and 'The cry 'Liberty, equality, fraternity or death!' was much in vogue during the Revolution. Liberty ended by covering France with prisons, equality by multiplying titles and decorations, and fraternity by dividing us.

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    louis gabriel vizconde de bonald