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  1. Coriolanus is a tragedy by William Shakespeare that was first performed around 1609.Like Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra, it is a Roman play.But unlike those plays, it is not set in the Imperial Rome of the first century CE, but more than two centuries earlier, when Rome was just one Italian city among many, fighting for survival.

  2. Coriolanus historia, såsom den har berättats av de antika historikerna, är en moralistisk berättelse, som visar på dåliga individuella respektive kollektiva handlingar, däribland illojalitet och otacksamhet. De flesta moderna forskare dömer idag ut historien som en legend, troligen påhittad som förklaring till och rättfärdigande av ...

  3. Coriolanus Snow was the tyrannical president of Panem. In his youth, he was known by the nickname Coryo, originally given to him by his cousin, Tigris. Before becoming president, he attended the Academy in the Capitol, where he mentored the winning tribute of the 10th Hunger Games, Lucy Gray Baird. He later moved on to advanced military studies at the University. He also served a brief stint ...

  4. William Shakespeare Coriolanus Übersetzt von Dorothea Tieck unter der Redaktion von Ludwig Tieck Personen: Cajus Marcius Coriolanus, ein edler Römer. Titus Lartius und Cominius, Anführer gegen die Volsker. Menenius Agrippa, Coriolans Freund. Sicinius Velutus und Junius Brutus, Volkstribunen. Marcius, Coriolans kleiner Sohn. Ein römischer Herold

  5. Ralph Fiennes in Coriolanus (2011) Ralph Fiennes and Jessica Chastain in Coriolanus ; Meraviglioso attore inglese dal pedigree impeccabile qui al suo esordio registico, Fiennes affronta di petto lo spettro del tedio a testa alta, facendo della sua opera prima un film secco e privo di fronzoli, di un’epica scarna in cui il contrasto voluto tra la modernità di costumi e location, grigi e ...

  6. Gnaeus Marcius Coriolanus, legendary Roman hero of patrician descent who was said to have lived in the late 6th and early 5th centuries bc; the subject of Shakespeare’s play Coriolanus.According to tradition, he owed his surname to his bravery at the siege of Corioli (493 bc) in the war against the Volsci.In 491, when there was a famine in Rome, he advised that the people should not receive ...

  7. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata Caius Marcius Coriolanus soit Coriolan est une figure de la République romaine archaïque. Il appartient à la gens romaine patricienne des Marcii , descendants d' Ancus Marcius , quatrième roi de Rome . Biographie [modifier | modifier le code] Plutarque rapporte que son père mourut alors qu'il était en bas âge et qu'il fut élevé par sa ...

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