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  1. 21 de mar. de 2016 · Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare, inherited disease. It affects the nervous system, immune system, and other body systems. Symptoms appear in young children, usually before age 5. They include: People with A-T have an increased risk of developing diabetes and cancers, especially lymphoma and leukemia. Although it affects the brain, people ...

  2. Ataxia-Telangiectasia or AT, is a rare and complex genetic disorder. It is often referred to as a ‘multi-system’ disorder because it affects a number of different systems within the body. Living with AT

  3. La ataxia telangiectasia (AT) es una enfermedad hereditaria que se manifiesta en la niñez con deficiencia de la inmunidad y degeneración en la parte del cerebro que controla los movimientos y el habla. [1] Se caracteriza por signos neurológicos, telangiectasia, susceptibilidad a las infecciones y riesgo mayor de cáncer. [2] Las alteraciones (mutaciones) en el gen ATM causan AT.

  4. Ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) is an autosomal recessive disorder that causes neurological symptoms (like unsteady gait), dilated corkscrew-shaped blood vessels in the white of the eyes and on sun-exposed skin, combined immune deficiency, and high risk of cancer.

  5. La ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T) está causada por variantes patogénicas (VP) bialélicas (en homocigosis o heterocigosis compuesta) de pérdida de función del gen ATM (11q22.3), que codifica una proteína quinasa implicada en la reparación de las roturas de doble cadena en el ADN, especialmente en las células de Purkinje del cerebelo y en las células endoteliales de la piel y la conjuntiva.

  6. 11番染色体上のATM(Ataxia Telangiectasia Mutated)遺伝子異常による。常染色体劣性遺伝形式をとる。 類縁疾患として、Ataxia-telagiectasia like disease (ATLD)があり、MRE11遺伝子異常を伴い、常染色体劣性遺伝形式をとる。

  7. Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is a rare, inherited disease that affects several organs and systems, including the nervous and the immune systems. Most notably, it causes progressive degeneration of the cerebellum, the part of the brain that controls movement and speech. Symptoms develop in early childhood.

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