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  1. sentations, though, is Werowocomoco's role as a politi-cized and ritualized place within which Wahunsenacawh sought to remake Smith as a weroance. After being aban-doned by Wahunsenacawh in 1609 and largely forgotten in subsequent centuries, the site of Werowocomoco has be-come, once again, a politicized place as heritage promoters,

  2. 6 de nov. de 2023 · Werowocomoco was a village that served as the headquarters of Chief Powhatan, a Virginia Algonquian political and spiritual leader when the English founded Jamestown in 1607. The name Werowocomoco comes from the Powhatan werowans (), meaning "leader" in English; and komakah (-comoco), "settlement". The town was documented by English settlers in 1608 as located near the north bank of the York ...

  3. 24 de jun. de 2013 · State designation of Werowocomoco as a protected easement will preserve a pre-Colonial record of history, according to W&M archaeologist Martin Gallivan.

  4. Dr. E. Randolph Turner III: Werowocomoco is internationally recognized, for a number of reasons, including (1) it was Powhatan’s principal residence when the English arrived at Jamestown in 1607; (2) it also served at the capital of the Powhatan chiefdom, a political entity encompassing most of coastal Virginia and having a population of 15,000 or more persons; (3) it is the only place where ...

  5. 25 de feb. de 2021 · Wahunsenacah, also known as Chief Powhatan (l. c. 1547 - c. 1618) was the head of the Powhatan Confederacy of Native Americans who inhabited the region of the modern-day State of Virginia, USA, which they knew by the name of Tsenacommacah (densely populated land).. He is also known by his title Mamanatowick (Great Chief) as well as by different spellings of his name translated from his native ...

  6. "Werowocomoco was designed and constructed over several centuries to convey a central place in Tidewater political and religious life, a role that continued in the early relationships with the English," says anthropology professor Martin Gallivan. "From Werowocomoco, Wahunsunacock dominated an impressive social network through which gifts ...

  7. 26 de feb. de 2021 · It shares the deep history of the Werowocomoco property and its surroundings—a significant Native center of power and spiritual leadership, as well as a residential area where indigenous peoples lived and worked in the four hundred years prior to European contact. It includes a detailed property history, relying on land tax records, deeds ...