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  1. Franz Stuck. 弗兰兹·冯·斯塔克(Franz von Stuck )是德国画家、雕塑家、版画家和建筑师。. 斯塔克最为人所知的是他的古代神话绘画,在1892年《罪恶》获得了广泛的好评。. 1906年,斯塔克被授予巴伐利亚王冠功勋勋章(Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown),从此被称为弗 ...

  2. 21 de sept. de 2020 · Franz Stuck ―el “von” vendría después― nació el 23 de febrero de 1863 en Tettenweis, un pueblo bávaro a unos 150 Km al este de Munich. Sus padres, de los que tampoco se sabe mucho, eran católicos y propietarios de una pequeña granja y de un molino. Poseer un molino implicaba autonomía económica y un cierto nivel de vida, pero ...

  3. Franz von Stuck was a German painter, sculptor, printmaker, and architect. Stuck was best known for his paintings of ancient mythology, receiving substantial critical acclaim with The Sin in 1892. In 1906, Stuck was awarded the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown and was henceforth known as Franz Ritter von Stuck.

  4. Franz von Stuck. (Tettenweis, 1863 - Múnich, 1928) Pintor alemán, uno de los miembros fundamentales de la Sezession de Múnich. Procedente de una familia sin tradición artística (su padre era molinero en Baviera), Stuck comenzó sus estudios artísticos en la Academia de Múnich. Finalizada su etapa de formación, presentó por primera vez ...

  5. Amazon on horseback Franz von Stuck • 1897 Fighting Amazons Franz von Stuck • 1897 S. K. H. Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria Franz von Stuck • 1897

  6. Franz von Stuck was a German painter, sculptor, printmaker, and architect. Stuck was best known for his paintings of ancient egyptian mythology receiving substantial critical acclaim with The Sin in 1892. In 1906, Stuck was awarded the Order of Merit of the Bavarian Crown and was henceforth known as Franz Ritter von Stuck.

  7. In the exhibition SIN AND SECESSION - Franz von Stuck in Vienna, visitors can immerse themselves in the work of one of the great European artists and enjoy a cosmos full of secrets, inspired by classical mythology and promising unexpected discoveries and fascinating encounters with mystical creatures.The scandalous erotic paintings by Franz von Stuck, most famously The Sin, were controversial ...

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