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  1. Gene, a writer by profession, is one day given a request by his publisher to try his hand at a new type of genre, which is Boys Love. Accepting this new challenge, Gene writes and publishes a Y novel that is well received and becomes incredibly successful. So successful that it even gets made into a BL drama. This is the story of how Gene, a popular writer, gets deceived by the 20-year-old guy ...

  2. 2 de mar. de 2021 · タイの話題作 『Lovely Writer The Series』(ラブリー・ライター) が日本でも徐々に人気を集めていますね。. タイ現地での放送とともに、日本でも動画配信サービスサイトでほぼ同時進行で配信されているのですが、. 今回はそんな 『Lovely Writer』のキャストを ...

  3. <31日間無料トライアル実施中>「Lovely Writer The Series」を今すぐ視聴できます。DVDをレンタルせずに高画質な動画をお楽しみいただけます。 ... Lovely Writer. このエルマークは、レコード会社・映像製作会社が提供するコンテンツを示す登録商標です。RIAJ70024001.

  4. Gene, a writer by profession, is one day given a request by his publisher to try his hand at a new type of genre, which is Boys Love. Accepting this new challenge, Gene writes and publishes a Y novel that is well received and becomes incredibly successful. So successful that it even gets made into a BL drama. This is the story of how Gene, a popular writer, gets deceived by the 20-year-old guy ...

  5. 18 de may. de 2021 · Reruns every Wednesday at 10.00 AM (After 7 days of being aired)on Youtube: Lovely writer The main channels you can watch are- LIVEOn CH3 every Wednesday at ...

  6. › lovelywritertheseries-recommendタイBL「Lovely Writer...

    15 de oct. de 2022 · タイドラマBL『Lovely Witer』(ラブリーライター )の動画を1話から 日本語字幕付きで視聴できる動画配信サービスについてご紹介します。. 結論から言うと、『Lovely writer』の日本語字幕を1話から最終回まで見るのにオトクなのはU-NEXT です。. U-NEXTで配信されているものはノーカット版になり ...