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  1. Rebel troopers, also known as Rebel soldiers or Alliance troopers, were the front-line soldiers of both the early rebel movement and, later, the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War.

  2. 7 de abr. de 2016 · These guys are going to have a lot of backup in 'Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.'. Lucasfilm. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story stars Felicity Jones, Donnie Yen, Forest Whitaker and Diego Luna as Rebel roughnecks on a mission to steal the plans to the first Death Star.

  3. Rogue One was the improvised callsign used by a large squad of Rebel Alliance soldiers and recruits that participated in a mission to steal the plans of the Death Star, a moon-sized battle station constructed by the Galactic Empire that could destroy an entire planet or moon.

  4. Rebel pathfinders: Bistan, A-300, Targeting scopes, Duck and cover = 90 Commands: • Rebellious, • Crack shot, •• Trust goes both ways, •• Last stand, ••• Complete the mission, ••• Volunteer mission, •••• Standing orders

  5. The stormtroopers set out are only a match to the Rogue One team due to their numbers, and that's negated once rebel air support flies in. It takes the Death Troopers to start wiping out the rebels. Mind Probe : Bor Gullet.

  6. Drawn from many homeworlds and species, Rebel troopers were the Alliance's front-line soldiers in the war against the Empire. They defended the Alliance's leaders on countless worlds and during many operations, changing uniforms and tactics to meet each challenge.

  7. Rebel troopers, also known as Rebel fleet troopers or Rebel soldiers, were the front-line soldiers of the Rebel Alliance in their war against the Galactic Empire. Initially formed from loosely connected resistance cells, the leadership of Mon Mothma saw them become an impressively armed and trained galaxy-spanning infantry.