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  1. The rare-earth elements (REE), also called the rare-earth metals or rare earths or, in context, rare-earth oxides, and sometimes the lanthanides (although scandium and yttrium, which do not belong to this series, are usually included as rare earths), are a set of 17 nearly indistinguishable lustrous silvery-white soft heavy metals. Compounds ...

  2. Learn about the worldwide supply, demand, and flow of rare earths, a group of 17 elements with unique properties and applications. Find annual publications, special reports, and data series on rare earths and related minerals.

  3. 1 de jul. de 2019 · Rare-earth elements (hereinafter referred to as REE) are a group of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table, in particular the fifteen lanthanides as well as yttrium and scandium as defined by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC).

  4. 1 de oct. de 2023 · There are 17 rare earth elements on the periodic table, but a better name for them would be the "troublesome earths." Here's why.

  5. 24 de jun. de 2024 · Rare-earth element, any member of the group of chemical elements consisting of three elements in Group 3 (scandium [Sc], yttrium [Y], and lanthanum [La]) and the first extended row of elements below the main body of the periodic table (cerium [Ce] through lutetium [Lu]).

  6. 1 de feb. de 2019 · The rare earths (REs) are a family of 17 elements that exhibit pronounced chemical similarities as a group, while individually expressing distinctive and varied electronic properties.

  7. 16 de ene. de 2023 · The rare earths are the lanthanideslutetium and all 14 elements between lanthanum and ytterbium across one row of the periodic table — plus scandium and yttrium, which tend to occur in the...