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  1. 2 de jul. de 2023 · A comment is a piece of regular text that the assembler just discards when turning assembly code into machine code. In assembly, comments are usually denoted by a semicolon ; , although GAS uses # for single line comments and /* … */ for block comments possibly spanning multiple lines.

  2. 17 de ago. de 2022 · you can use the COMMENT directive to do multi line comments: COMMENT @ This is some text And some more text @ make sure to chose a delimiter which is not used in the comment itself ;^)

  3. Write comments that describe blocks of statements rather than individual statements. Comments covering single statements tend to discuss the mechanics of that statement rather than discussing what the program is doing. Focus paragraph comments on the why rather than the how.

  4. 6 de may. de 2021 · In this Video, I have explained how to comment the code singleline and multi-line using AVR Atmega32 Microcontroller using Atmel Studio 7 Assembly and C-La...

  5. 2 de ago. de 2021 · Instructions in an __asm block can use assembly-language comments: C++. Copy. __asm mov ax, offset buff ; Load address of buff. Because C macros expand into a single logical line, avoid using assembly-language comments in macros. (See Defining __asm Blocks as C Macros .)

  6. Comments can contain any characters valid in the assembler language. Comments can be continued on more than one line by placing an asterisk in column 1 as shown in the following example. In this book, the comments field is not shown in the macroinstruction's assembler format table.

  7. @ At signs are the comment marker. In assembly, you'll @ use these on almost every line. They are the only way @ to keep things logical. @ The next line tells the linker that a function is available @ in a file. .global _start @ Every program needs a _start label. This is where the program @ will start. It does not need to be at the top of the ...