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  1. The Advisor Pods, also called Incubation Pods, are Combine synth vehicles designed to safely transport the Combine Advisors. The Advisor pods are large white synth ships about the size of a tank, capable of controlled flight and marked with a registration number printed on the side.

  2. In Episode Two, an inactive Advisor pod is seen being transported on an Advisor Platform along with a battalion of Combine troops. A crashed Advisor pod is also seen later on outside a barn, having released its occupant several hours prior to Gordon and Alyx's arrival.

  3. The Hopper Mine is an anti-personnel proximity mine that hops into the air towards the target before exploding, much like a bouncing betty. These mines are carried and deployed by Shield Scanners.

  4. Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode 1, Half-Life 2: Episode 2 and Half-Life 2: LostCoast are now available as a Beta. This beta adds Linux support and converts the game to the new Steam Content delivery system.

  5. 14 de sept. de 2021 · HL2 Beta. Que es lo que mas extrañan de la beta? Yo lo que mas extraño es la oscuridad que tenia el juego, historia y sus criaturas. Sobre todo el nivel vertigo, no ers un nivel de terror pero si daba mucho miedo, podias escuchar como se libraba una guerra abajo del edificio ademas de gritos. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments.

  6. The Hopper, also known as the Hopper Mine, is a Combine anti-personnel proximity mine that hops into the air towards the target explodes, much like a bouncing betty. These mines are carried and deployed by Shield Scanners .

  7. The Combine Cell, also sometimes referred to as a Prisoner Pod, is a device is used to detain human prisoners and store other humanoid troops/servitors. When Resistance members and extremely disobedient civilians are arrested and captured, they are placed in Combine Cells and transferred...