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  1. Aww, melt your heart overload! This adorable baby elephant plays a game of hide and seek, peeking out from under the safety of its giant mom. Witness the inc...

  2. 18 de nov. de 2020 · A baby elephant was captured on camera in Chiang Mai, north Thailand, committing the cheekiest “crime” ever—the playful elephant was apparently feasting on some sugarcanes in a farmer’s field when approached by local people.

  3. 26 de nov. de 2020 · #BabyElephant Hiding Behind Pole after being Caught Eating #Sugarcane in Field | #ABNWorldFor All Political and Latest News Updates Subscribe to #ABNNational...

  4. 19 de nov. de 2020 · A baby elephant is melting hearts online with his innocence when it tried to hide itself behind an electric pole after getting caught red-handed munching on sugarcane in a field. The adorable picture is breaking the internet and has now become fodder for memes as well.

  5. 19 de nov. de 2020 · Recently, a cute act of a baby elephant was captured on a camera in Thailand. It was pictured trying to hide behind a light pole after realising that humans had caught him eating sugarcane in a field, reported Mail Online.

  6. 24 de nov. de 2020 · In Chiang Mai, North Thailand, a baby elephant was caught on camera committing this exact crime, and he tried to get away with it in the most hilarious way! The picture, which was posted onto Facebook by วีรวัฒน์ พรหมเมือง, shows the sneaky little guy right after he was caught red-handed.

  7. 20 de nov. de 2020 · The elephant was feasting on sugarcane at a farmer's field when it saw humans approaching and apparently decided that the best course of action would be to hide behind a pole much smaller than...

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    baby elephant hides behind a light