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  1. 6 de jul. de 2023 · Es necesario repasar un poco las frases machistas más frecuentes y una de las que suelen venir disfrazadas de un falso apoyo al movimiento. Ejemplos de ello aparecen cuando los hombres afirman que no son machistas debido a que han vivido rodeados de mujeres, simplificando al máximo el problema.

  2. A good start could be to ask them why they think it's funny, and to try and get to the root what made them want to make said joke. You can also try to calmly explain why those types of jokes are a problem overall.

  3. I used to work in customer service for a car parts company so I would often have to deal with 'manly men' being incredibly patronising towards me, and constantly asking me to put them through to a man.

  4. 20 de feb. de 2017 · Some fragile men think legitimate emotions and responses to assholery (yes - assholery) can be dismissed with a patronising: ‘is it that time of the month?’.

  5. 11 de ene. de 2018 · 1. “Send Nudes.” We all know this isn’t really a request, whether you’re getting it from a random person on Tinder, someone you thought was a close friend, your boss, or potentially your S.O.

  6. 25 de feb. de 2023 · Un chiste machista es un tipo de broma o comentario humorístico que denigra o discrimina a las mujeres y refuerza estereotipos y roles de género tradicionales que limitan y menosprecian a las mujeres.

  7. Existen un sinfín de frases, pronunciadas por las propias mujeres, que colaboran a reforzar el machismo y cosificar a la mujer. Porque cuando Dior gritó a voces: “We should all be feminists”, ese “all” se refería tanto a hombres como a mujeres.