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  1. Ejercicios. Escribe oraciones afirmativas en future simple (will). Completa las oraciones con future simple (will). It (rain/not) tomorrow. I promise I (be/not) late. We (start/not) to watch the film without you. The bus (wait/not) for us. He (believe/not) us.

  2. Will / be going to - exercises; Future : will, going to, -ing form; Future forms - exercises; Future: will / going to; Will vs be going tofuture forms; Will, going to or - ing future; Future: Will / Be Going to; Will / be going to - future; Going to - write; Will / going to / pres. continuous; Future verb forms - quiz; Future: will / going to

  3. Here's the first exercise about the future simple tense (also called 'future with will' or 'simple future'). It's to practise the postive simple future. Review how to make the simple future here. Download this exercise in PDF here.

  4. Future Simple: Ejercicio: complétalo y corrígelo de forma inmediata, podrás comprobarás tus conocimientos con la lección relacionada.

  5. Will - Future simple exercises: elementary and intermediate level. Free exercises to learn English online.

  6. Ejercicio. Verbos regulares. Conjuga el verbo entre paréntesis en futuro simple. Nunca (llegar/ellos) a tiempo para el tren de las cinco. Verbo terminado en - ar, 3ª persona plural → infinitivo + - án. Cuando seáis padres (deber/vosotros) ocuparos de vuestros hijos.

  7. Conjuga los verbos entre paréntesis en future simple (going to). I (tell/not) you the secret. 1ª persona singular → am + not + going to + infinitivo No te voy a contar el secreto. She (ring/not) me. 3ª persona singular → is + not + going to + infinitivo No me va a llamar.

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