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  1. Artisti (Marcella) - Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. En junio de 1905 cuatro estudiantes de arquitectura, afincados en la ciudad alemana de Dresde fundan el grupo pictórico "Die Brucke" (El Puente). Se trata de Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Erich Heckel, Fritz Bleyl y Karl Scmidt Rottluf, jovenes unidos por el amor al dibujo y a la pintura y que se ...

    • Apolo Palace

      Según Enric F. Gual, Francesc Domingo desde su regreso a...

  2. Marcela es una obra emblemática del pintor alemán Ernst Ludwig Kirchner que retrata a una joven mujer con una mirada enigmática. La pintura se caracteriza por su uso audaz de colores brillantes y pinceladas expresionistas que transmiten intensidad emocional.

  3. The white bow in her hair is stark compared to her dark eyes and distinct, red mouth. With its contrasting color fields and lack of perspective, this painting is a distinct example of German expressionism. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner was the leader of the expressionist artist group Die Brücke, which was formed in the German town of Dresden in 1905.

  4. Artistin – Marcella de Ernst Ludwig Kirchner (1910), se encuentra actualmente en el Brücke Museum, Berlín (Alemania). El conjunto obedece a una diagonal ascendente de la esquina inferior izquierda hacia el superior derecho.

  5. Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Artiste (Marcella), 1910. Monday malaise, as embodied by the German painter and co-founder of Die Brücke group, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, in his 1910 work Artiste (Marcella). Kirchner met the painting’s stripe-adorned sitter and her sister, Fränzi—the teenage daughters of one of his neighbours—shortly before painting ...

  6. Marzella è un dipinto di Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, realizzato tra il 1909 e il 1910. È custodito al Moderna Museet di Stoccolma.

  7. 29 de jul. de 2020 · Between 1909 and 1910, Kirchner painted Marzella. And as the Die Brücke, this oeuvre represents a passage: from childhood to Puberty . A little girl’s body transforming into that of a woman.