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  1. Hace 2 días · También lee a Martin Buber y a su amigo Franz Werfel, dentro de una creciente reflexión sobre su destino personal y el de la comunidad judía. Son constantes las analogías entre el peregrinaje de Moisés por el desierto, camino a Canaán, y su propia travesía.

  2. Hace 2 días · From 1889 to 1893, he attended the Deutsche Knabenschule, the boys' elementary school at the Fleischmarkt (meat market), the street now known as Masná Street in Prague. His Jewish education was limited to his Bar Mitzvah celebration at 13 and going to the synagogue four times a year with his father. [5]

  3. Hace 1 día · Franz Kafka, Max Brod, Oskar Baum, Willy Haas, Rudolph Fuchs, and Franz Werfel wrote powerful and important works in this city. Non-Jews such as the German Johannes Kepler and the Dane Tycho Brahe made Prague the cradle of modern astronomy.

  4. Hace 5 días · Im Sterbezimmer des Krankenhausesnwird ihm von Schlesinger mitgeteilt, dass er im Falle seines frühzeitigen Todes - konkret gesprochen vor Vollendung des 65jährigen Lebensjahres - keinen ...

  5. Hace 1 día · Franz Werfel. Editore. Casa editrice. Guanda. In una rinomata casa di piacere di Vienna, si danno convegno i cittadini più esemplari e le personalità più bizzarre della città. Il luogo diventa una specie di caotico salotto, nel quale si incontrano uomini di ogni tipo.

  6. Hace 1 día · Werfel, a 6-year old Austrian orphan, beams with unbounded joy as he clasps a new pair of shoes presented to him by the American Red Cross...

  7. Hace 5 días · Werfel begnügt sich nicht mit der religiösen Groteske eines Lebens zwischen Glauben und Berechnung, sondern verankert seinen Roman klar in der Zeitgeschichte der Nazi-Zeit.