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  1. Walter Duranty (25 de mayo de 1884 - 3 de octubre de 1957) fue un periodista angloamericano que trabajó como jefe de la oficina de The New York Times en Moscú durante catorce años (1922-1936) tras la victoria bolchevique en la Guerra Civil Rusa (1918-1921) .

  2. Walter Duranty (25 May 1884 – 3 October 1957) was an Anglo-American journalist who served as Moscow bureau chief of The New York Times for fourteen years (1922–1936) following the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War (1917–1923).

  3. 7 de ago. de 2018 · El reportero del «New York Times» en Rusia fue premiado con el Pulitzer por sus crónicas favorables a la URSS, ignorando las hambrunas y las represiones que mataron a siete millones de personas. Descubre cómo Stalin lo engañó y manipuló para mejorar su imagen en el exterior.

  4. Walter Duranty was a New York Times journalist who won a Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of Stalin's Russia, but also lied about the famines caused by the Soviet regime. Learn how he deceived the public and his critics, and why he was praised by some progressives.

  5. 20 de ago. de 2020 · Duranty es el antagonista de nuestro protagonista, Gareth Jones. Jones, que llega a Moscú con la ilusión de poder entrevistar a Stalin, se encuentra con que uno de sus mejores amigos,...

  6. Duranty won the prize for his articles on the Soviet Union under Stalin, but they were criticized for relying on official sources and ignoring the famine and repression. The Times acknowledges his failures and the Pulitzer board has declined to withdraw the award.

  7. 8 de may. de 2022 · In 1932, The New York Times' Walter Duranty won a Pulitzer for stories defending Soviet policies that led to the deaths of millions of Ukrainians. The Times disavows his work but not the prize.