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  1. Elisabeth Helene von Vieregg (4 May 1679 – 27 June 1704), Countess of Antvorskov, was Danish noble and lady-in-waiting of German origin. She was the royal mistress of King Frederick IV of Denmark and, later, his first morganatic wife by bigamy.

  2. Elisabeth Helene von Vieregg (født 4. maj 1679, død 27. juni 1704) var en dansk-tysk grevinde og kong Frederik 4.'s hustru til venstre hånd.

  3. Elisabeth Helene von Vieregg (4 mayo 1679 hasta 27 junio 1704), condesa de Antvorskov, fue un noble y danesa dama de honor de origen alemán. Fue la amante real del rey Federico IV de Dinamarca y, más tarde, su primera esposa morganática por bigamia.

  4. Elisabeth Helene entstammte dem deutschen Adelsgeschlecht Vieregg und war die Tochter des Adam Otto von Vieregg (auch Viereck) (1634–1718), Mecklenburger Kammerpräsident, Preußischer Staatsminister und Geheimrat.

  5. Elisabeth Helene von Vieregg, Countess of Antvorskov, was a Danish noble and lady-in-waiting of German origin.

  6. Without divorcing Queen Louise, in 1703 he married Elisabeth Helene von Vieregg (d.1704). After the death of Elisabeth, he entered into a romance with her lady-in-waiting Charlotte Helene von Schindel, though he later lost interest in her.

  7. However, he had committed bigamy once before, with Elisabeth Helene von Vieregg. The church authorities had not forbidden the king to engage in polygamy, as there were doctrines based on the biblical era polygamy of Hebrew patriarchs.