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  1. Amlaíb Conung (m. 875) (nórdico antiguo: Óláfr) fue un caudillo hiberno-nórdico de Irlanda y Escocia en la segunda mitad del siglo IX.

  2. Amlaíb Conung (Old Norse: Óláfr [ˈoːˌlɑːvz̠]; died c. 874) was a Viking leader in Ireland and Scotland in the mid-late ninth century.

  3. 28 de abr. de 2022 · Amlaíb Conung (Old Norse: Óláfr; died c. 874) was a Viking[nb 1] leader in Ireland and Scotland in the mid-late ninth century. He was the son of the king of Lochlann, identified in the non-contemporary Fragmentary Annals of Ireland as Gofraid, and brother of Auisle and Ímar, the latter of whom founded the Uí Ímair dynasty, and whose ...

  4. El rey tuvo tres hijos: Amlaíb, Imar y Óisle. Óisle era el menor, pero el más grande en valor, él eclipsó a los irlandeses en lanzamiento de jabalinas y fuerza con lanzas. Él superó a los noruegos con espadas y disparando flechas.

  5. the sixth year of the reign of Máel Sechlainn, Amlaib Conung, son of the king of Lochlann, came to Ireland, and he brought with him a proclamation of many tributes and taxes from his father, and he departed suddenly. Then his younger brother Imar came after him to levy the same tribute.

  6. Los Anales de Ulster citan que en 857 Ivar y su hermano Amlaíb Conung derrotan a uno de sus competidores en Munster, Caittil identificado sin certeza con Ketil Nariz Chata que encabezaba un contingente de vikingos noruegos e irlandeses.

  7. 12 de abr. de 2019 · Although Academics acknowledge that the genealogies represented in the Saga are confused, there is a hypothesis that Amlaíb, called Amlaíb Conung from Old Norse konungr ‘king’ in Fragmentary annals of Ireland is identical with Óláfr in hvíti of Íslendingabók and Óláfr Guðrøðarson of Ynglingasaga.