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  1. 28 de abr. de 2022 · However, while Richard was absent on crusade, Godfrey fell out with William de Longchamp, who was Justiciar of England, and at odds with his co-Justiciar, Hugh de Puiset, the Bishop of Durham. Godfrey supported de Puiset (who also had a longstanding clergy wife). Longchamp deprived Godfrey of his shrievalty, his castles and

  2. 1 de jul. de 2024 · [Hugh du Puiset, ?1142-?1153] [William, 1148] A useful list of the archdeacons of Surrey before 1400 is to be found in A. L. Browne, 'The early archdeacons of Surrey', Surrey Archaeol.

  3. 30 de jun. de 2024 · Rann' de Dyttneshale, Beatrix his wife, and Robert, their son and heir, granted and confirmed this advowson to God and the Blessed Cuthbert, and to Hugh (de Puiset), Bishop of Durham (1153–1195), "ad luminaria circa corpus B. Cuthberti in perp. invenienda."

  4. Hace 1 día · Scammell, Puiset pp. 312-13, thinks Burchard was a son, but Newburgh's remark, that one of Hugh's three sons gained the archdcnry. of Durham, could refer to William du Puiset, archdcn. of Northumberland (see below p. 40).

  5. Hace 19 horas · The justiciars included William de Longchamp (1190–1191), Hugh de Puiset (1189–1190), Walter de Coutances (1191–1193), ... Amongst the advice she gave him was to secure the loyalty of her vassals, should she die, and in particular Hugh de Lusignan, to whom she had granted La Marche the previous year, making him the new count. ...

  6. Hace 5 días · Richard left political authority in England—the post of justiciar—jointly in the hands of Bishop Hugh de Puiset and William de Mandeville, 3rd Earl of Essex, and made William Longchamp, the Bishop of Ely, his chancellor.

  7. Hace 4 días · He appointed as regents Hugh de Puiset, Bishop of Durham, and William de Mandeville, 3rd Earl of Essex – who soon died and was replaced by William Longchamp. Richard's brother John was not satisfied by this decision and started scheming against William Longchamp.