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  1. Harry Emerson Fosdick (May 24, 1878 – October 5, 1969) was an American pastor. Fosdick became a central figure in the fundamentalist–modernist controversy within American Protestantism in the 1920s and 1930s and was one of the most prominent liberal ministers of the early 20th century.

  2. 3 de nov. de 2014 · Harry Emerson Fosdick no era un pensador original tanto como un divulgador, tomando las teorías del liberalismo de los seminarios y llevándolas a la gente común. Él quería modernizar la fe por medio de hacerla atractiva y compatible con los tiempos modernos y la sensibilidad moderna.

  3. 20 de may. de 2024 · Harry Emerson Fosdick was a liberal Protestant minister, teacher, and author, who was pastor of the interdenominational Riverside Church in New York City (1926–46), preacher on the National Vespers nationwide radio program (1926–46), and a central figure in the Protestant liberal–fundamentalist.

  4. Uno de los portavoces más populares del cristianismo liberal en su apogeo fue Harry Emerson Fosdick, pastor de la Iglesia Riverside en Nueva York. Fosdick, sin dejar de tener un fuerte compromiso con la teología liberal, reconoció sin embargo que la nueva teología estaba socavando el concepto de un Dios santo.

  5. Learn about Fosdick, a liberal Protestant minister and social gospel advocate, who influenced King's theology and activism. Find out how Fosdick challenged fundamentalism, founded Riverside Church, and praised King's boycott memoir.

  6. A critical review of Fosdick's sermon "Shall the Fundamentalists Win?" and his liberal theology. The article traces Fosdick's life, influences, and legacy, and argues that his liberalism was a heresy that undermined the Christian faith.

  7. Fosdick replied by repudiating the core beliefs of the fundamentalist faith: belief in the virgin birth was unnecessary; the inerrancy of Scripture, untenable; and the doctrine of the Second ...