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  1. This is the official site for Keio Yochisha Elementary School, providing information about Yochisha’s educational features, and information on enrollment.

  2. 幼稚舎の教育理念は校歌の幼稚舎の歌に歌われている子どもたちが福澤先生の教えを身に行うということすなわち独立自尊を実践できる人材を育成することです。 Read More. 施設紹介. 1964(昭和39)年、創立90周年を記念して建てられた講堂「自尊館」、水草が生い茂るビオトープがある「理科園」、2学年が一緒に給食を食べられる広々とした食堂「けやきホール」をはじめ様々な施設があります。 Read More. 安全と健康. 明るく楽しい、健全な学校生活を送れるように、幼稚舎では児童の安全と健康に留意しています。 安全面では、警備員が24時間常駐して、児童の安全を見守っています。 健康面では慶應義塾保健管理センターから小児科医や保健師に毎日来てもらい、怪我や病気に対応しています。

  3. Keio Yochisha, one of the oldest private elementary schools in Japan, is celebrating its 150th Anniversary in 2024. Moving forward, we hope to build on this legacy through the cooperative spirit that characterizes Keio, making history and leaving behind traditions for future generations.

  4. Yochisha Elementarys integrated approach to education emphasizes having a single homeroom teacher to oversee the general progress of their students over our 6-year curriculum, while employing multiple specialized instructors to focus more on the particular aspects of their learning.

  5. All information on the Keio Yochisha Elementary School website, including news articles, essays, photographs, images, illustrations, logos, trademarks, and the like (collectively, the content), as well as its arrangement and relevant data, is owned by Keio Yochisha Elementary School.

  6. In 1911, we became the first primary school in Japan to provide students with a science laboratory. Yochisha Elementarys science education is characterized by both laboratory science and fieldwork. We believe the best way to develop a love of science is to be exposed to the natural world.

  7. Keio Yochisha Elementary School Cultivating an Independent Spirit Through Work and Play Dating back to 1874 when founder Yukichi Fukuzawa commissioned his student Yoshiro Wada to establish an elementary school, this school celebrated its 125th anniversary in 1999.