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  1. Solange Dudevant (13 September 1828 – 17 March 1899) was a French writer and novelist and the daughter of George Sand .

  2. Solange Sand, de son nom de naissance Solange Dudevant, de nom d’usage Clésinger-Sand et de pseudonyme « Dubois de Vavray », née le 13 septembre 1828 à Nohant-Vic et morte le 17 mars 1899 à Paris, est une écrivaine française comme sa mère, George Sand .

  3. Es la segunda hija de Aurore Dupin, la baronesa Dudevant, que toma cuatro años después de su seudónimo más conocido George Sand , y de su marido, el barón Casimir Dudevant.

  4. Solange Clésinger-Sand, daughter of prolific 19th century French author George Sand and Casimir Dudevant. Studied piano with Frédéric Chopin during Chopin's summer sojourns at the Sand estate in Nohant from the late 1830s to mid 1840s.

  5. Solange with Adolf Gutmann watched over Chopin when he was dying. She also collaborated (with her brother) at preparing the first edition of Correspondance générale of George Sand. She left some notes about Chopin, used by J. J. Eigeldinger in Souvenirs inédits par Solange Clésinger.

  6. Solange Clésinger-Sand, daughter of prolific 19th century French author George Sand and Casimir Dudevant. Studied piano with Frédéric Chopin during Chopin's summer sojourns at the Sand estate in Nohant from the late 1830s to mid 1840s.

  7. Solange Clésinger-Sand (1828-1899), author, daughter of 19th century French author George Sand, studied piano with Frédéric Chopin, and married sculptor Jean Baptiste (Auguste) Clésinger.