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  1. Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve, Count of Samsø (1678 – December 1719) was a Danish Admiral in the Royal Danish-Norwegian Navy and Governor of Iceland. He was an acknowledged illegitimate son of King Christian V of Denmark and his officially acknowledged royal mistress Sophie Amalie Moth .

  2. Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve (7 April 1630 – 11 December 1658) was an illegitimate child of Christian IV of Denmark and his chambermaid and mistress Vibeke Kruse.

  3. Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve, conde de Samsø (1678 - diciembre de 1719) fue un almirante dano-noruego de la Armada Real Danesa-Noruega y gobernador de Islandia. Era un hijo ilegítimo reconocido del rey Christian V de Dinamarca y su amante real oficialmente reconocida , Sophie Amalie Moth.

  4. Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve (1678, Samsø – December 1719) was a Danish navy Admiral and Governor of Iceland. He was an acknowledged illegitimate son of Christian V of Denmark and Sophie Amalie Moth.

  5. The first grantees were children from the 1677 marriage between Countess Antoinette von Aldenburg and Ulrik Frederik Gyldenløve, Count of Laurvig, a celebrated (Norwegian) general and the son of Frederick III of Denmark by his mistress Margrethe Pape.

  6. 12 de may. de 2023 · English: Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve (1678–1719), son of Christian V of Denmark and Sophie Amalie Moth.

  7. Ulrik Christian Gyldenløve var en dansk greve, sønn av Christian 5. og Sophie Amalie Moth, og bror av Christian Gyldenløve. Han fikk ved fødselen tittelen lensgreve av Samsø. Gyldenløves herkomst skaffet ham høye embeter. I 1697 ble han generaladmiralløytnant og i 1711 generaladmiral.