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  1. An exiled Russian journalist accused the authorities on Wednesday of breaking new legal ground to intimidate their critics after a court labelled him and his wife an "extremist group".

  2. Russian courts last month issued arrest warrants for three journalists who are in exile, in a move that analysts say is designed to harass critics outside the country’s borders.

  3. IMS have assisted the establishment of media outlets in exile and supported exiled journalists from Myanmar, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Syria, Belarus and Zimbabwe. Many are still in exile, but some have been able to return home.

  4. It includes tips on how exiled outlets can remain relevant to their audiences, how to measure their impact from exile – which can be especially difficult under an authoritarian regime – and the importance of maintaining a network of journalists in-country.

  5. On September 18, USIP, The Institute of Current World Affairs and American Purpose Magazine hosted the first in a new series of conversations with Russian exiles. This discussion explored the challenges these new exiles are facing as they look to continue their work abroad, what their future might hold, and how the media can spread their ...

  6. As exiled journalists perform remotely from the country relating to its content due to persecution or danger, they use their new locations to promote counter-narratives, challenge the domestic mainstream media’s coverage dominated by the homeland state actors, and inform the outside world about the regime’s violations and war crimes (Ristow ...

  7. Russian courts issued arrest warrants last month for three exiled journalists, a move analysts interpret as an attempt to harass critics beyond the country's borders.