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  1. The dangers posed by serial donors. Suzanne and Natalie, whose child was conceived with Meijer's sperm, and who were considering using him for a second child when they found out he was a serial ...

  2. Personal contact with snowballing will continue at the ICOH2024 Congress to obtain more information from attendees. Results. Internet links to OEM residency programmes were found for Egypt and South Africa. Information on OEM residency in Nigeria and Ghana was provided by personal contact. South Africa, Tunisia, Benin Republic, Tanzania, Kenya ...

  3. Recruitment will be via professional and social media networks and snowballing techniques. We aim to purposively recruit 30–40 participants for maximum variation. Cultural and structural influences which may contribute to retention decisions will be explored. Data will be analysed following framework analysis.

  4. A leading South Korean producer of electric vehicle batteries has declared itself in crisis as its customers struggle with disappointing EV sales in Europe and the US. SK On, the world’s fourth ...

  5. The debt snowball method was made popular by Dave Ramsey, the host of a personal finance radio show and a best-selling author. It starts by identifying the debts you want to pay off. For many ...

  6. Background Effective mentorship is an important component of medical education with benefits to all stakeholders. In recent years, conceptualization of mentorship has gone beyond the traditional dyadic experienced mentor-novice mentee relationship to include group and peer mentoring. Existing theories of mentorship do not recognize mentoring’s personalized, evolving, goal-driven, and context ...

  7. E l muestreo por bola de nieve o snowball-sampling es una técnica de muestreo no probabilística en la que los individuos seleccionados para ser estudiados reclutan a nuevos participantes entre sus conocidos. El nombre de “bola de nieve” proviene justamente de esta idea: del mismo modo que una bola de nieve al rodar por una ladera se va ...