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  1. Hace 5 días · Every institution was infused with National Socialist ideology and infiltrated by Nazi personnel in chief positions. Schools were no exception. Even before coming to power, Hitler in Mein Kampf (1925–27; “My Struggle”) had hinted at his plans for broad educational exploitation.

  2. Hace 3 días · A companion to the documentary is the book, Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ and the Holocaust: A Prelude to Genocide, edited by the Michalczyks and Bryant University Professor Michael S. Bryant. It is the first systematic examination of Mein Kampf with specific focus on the Holocaust.

  3. Hace 1 día · In Mein Kampf, Hitler described the children who resulted from relationships between European women and French occupation soldiers of African origin as a contamination of the Aryan race "by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe."

  4. Hace 5 días · Within Mein Kampf, Hitler describes a struggle for world domination, an ongoing racial, cultural and political battle between Aryans and Jews, the necessary racial purification of the German people and the need for German imperial expansion and colonisation eastwards.

  5. Hace 5 días · The New Order ( German: Neuordnung) of Europe was the political and social system that Nazi Germany wanted to impose on the areas of Europe that it conquered and occupied.

  6. Hace 3 días · 이란의 혁명가이자 이란 이슬람 공화국의 초대 라흐바르인 아야톨라 루홀라 호메이니의 자서전 제목도 《호메이니의 나의 투쟁》(원제: Ayatollah Khomeini's Main kampf)인데 1980년에 발매됐으며 심지어 대한민국에도 동광출판사를 통해 정발까지 됐다.

  7. Hace 2 días · Henri-Georges Clouzot : son film fut comparé à Mein Kampf. Le cinéaste Henri-Georges Clouzot fut coupable d'alimenter la "propagande anti-française". Son film Le Corbeau fut considéré comme un symbole de l'asservissement à l'Allemagne nazie. En mars 1944, a paru dans L’Écran français un article virulent titré Le Corbeau est déplumé.

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