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  1. Hace 5 días · Kill Boy, cuyo estreno exclusivo en cines será el próximo miércoles 3 de julio, narra las tribulaciones de Boy (Bill Skarsgård), un joven sordo que debe enfrentarse a la matriarca de una ...

  2. Hace 3 días · Su historia es la de un sordomudo con una infancia de lo más trágica detrás que, para devolvérsela a los culpables de la misma, deja que un enigmático chamán le entrene en...

  3. Hace 4 días · Three clairvoyant humans ("precogs") receive psychic impressions of an impending homicide, and officers analyze their visions to determine the location and apprehend the perpetrator before the crime can occur. Would-be killers are placed in an electrically induced coma and held in a panopticon -like prison facility.

  4. Hace 1 día · The level of violence in “Kill,” which premiered at TIFF in September, is brutal, bloody and graphic – so much so that marketing for the Hindi-language film includes the declaration ...

  5. Hace 1 día · No sólo su puesta en escena es colorista, pop y surrealista. También ha apostado por un protagonista con poco más de treinta años, guapo y estilizado, que sostiene el peso de la película.Bill ...

  6. Hace 2 días · Kill is a film that delivers plenty of outstanding action and seems destined to become a cult classic. 8 10. Pros. The film is confident, bold, and fresh, providing hope for the genre beyond big ...

  7. Hace 2 días · In theory, you don’t need to worry about the generic setup that Bhat and co-writer Ayesha Syed provide. Then again, several dramatic moments, both major and minor, drag when they should coast to the next big sequence. A handful of action scenes feel light and even look monotonous, partly given the limitations of the movie’s primary setting.