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  1. Hace 3 días · Un duque ejerciendo de embajador de un dictador . El duque de Alba, Jacobo Fitz-James Stuart y Falcó había huido a Londres en 1936 con su única hija con el fin de escapar de la guerra que ...

  2. Hace 2 días · En la familia real británica de hoy, el trono pasará de la reina Isabel II después de su muerte a su hijo, el príncipe Carlos. El siguiente en la fila es el hijo mayor de Charles (y el marido de Kate), William, el actual duque de Cambridge.

  3. Hace 5 días · The matter was raised early in James's reign by a law-book, The Interpreter, written by John Cowell, Master of Trinity Hall. (fn. 26) This was meant to show the common elements in the civil and the common laws, but Cowell also expressed himself in favour of a very high idea of the royal prerogative.

  4. Hace 3 días · As a 19th-century Cambridge writer said: 'thus terminated the designs of James the Second against the two universities; and it is not too much to say, that the following out of those designs cost him his throne.' The story of the fellows of Magdalen College, Oxford, forms the best-known part of the whole subject, but the events at Cambridge are ...

  5. Hace 2 días · The City of Cambridge has grown to its present size and dignity on a site that has many advantages for settlement, of a type well-recognised by geographers, and familiar to historians: at the point nearest to a sea where a slow-moving river can readily be crossed by ford or dug-out canoe, by ferry or bridge; that is, where there is hard well-dra...

  6. Hace 2 días · En el otoño de 1554 conoció a Juan Calvino. Los dos reformadores eran muy distintos. Mientras que Knox era un hombre de acción e impulsivo, Calvino era reflexivo y metódico.

  7. The Royal Foundation mobilises leaders, businesses and people so that together we can address society’s greatest challenges. Led by The Prince and Princess of Wales, our work is built on world-class research, long-term partnerships, and measurable, scalable impact.