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  1. Hace 3 días · Even Faulkner was repeating the stories as fact as late as his April 3, 1943 letter to his nephew Jimmy Faulkner, a pilot during World War II: “I would have liked for you to have had my dog-tag, R.A.F., but I lost it in Europe, in Germany.

  2. Hace 1 día · Its history twins that of narrative traditions whose productions the fakes mimic. Intent, context, effect, and the nature of the deception inform categorizations of hoax, fraud, plagiarism, and forgery. Across these modes, recognition of the deception precedes analysis of a textual fake as such. Mirroring conventional productions, textual fakes ...

  3. Hace 4 días · "A Global History of Lies" starts in the present. We consider how a confluence of technological, economic, political and social forces has reshaped the contours and possibilities of misinformation and disinformation and their role in the development of rumors, conspiracy theories, and hoaxes. We then trace the arc of conspiratorial thinking and rumors from the…

  4. Hace 3 días · Here are two black swans, but even with no black swans to possibly falsify it, "All swans are white" would still be shown falsifiable by "Here is a black swan"—a black swan would still be a state of affairs, only an imaginary one.. Falsifiability (or refutability) is a deductive standard of evaluation of scientific theories and hypotheses, introduced by the philosopher of science Karl Popper ...

  5. Hace 4 días · Comparison is used in many different ways in world history, both implicitly and explicitly. Explicit types of comparison used by historians today include “entangled comparisons,” which compare pairs in which the similarities might come from interaction with each other; “encompassing comparison,” in which the pair may not interact with ...

  6. Hace 5 días · Some famous conquerors changed the world but let destruction in their wake. Others actually worked for the good of their people and became the great leaders in history. So, who are the historical leaders that left their permanent mark (for good or bad)? Find out below!

  7. Hace 2 días · July 5, 2024. fake history. The Great Reset of the 1800s. Yet another piece of evidence for a great reset in the 1800s are the lack of civil records, civil registry and documentation prior to the 1800s. I’ve collected a few random samples of this from different countries. The British started keeping records in 1837.