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  1. Hace 2 días · Nueva restauración en cines para celebrar el aniversario. "Los siete samuráis" ("Shichinin no samurai") de Akira Kurosawa celebran este año su 70 aniversario. Pero a pesar de su antigüedad, la vitalidad y el movimiento ágil de esta epopeya siguen siendo impresionantes. Ver ese filme de nuevo es ser arrastrado por su acción fluida y su ...

  2. Hace 2 días · Kurosawa, quien hizo “Los siete samuráis” a partir de las obras maestras de “Rashomon” (1950) e “Ikiru” (1952), fue influenciado por las películas de John Ford.

  3. Hace 3 días · NEW YORK (AP) — Akira Kurosawa’s “Seven Samurai” is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. But despite its age, the vitality and fleet-footed movement of Kurosawa’s epic is still breathtaking. To watch it again is to be swept along, all over again, by its flowing action and breadth of vision. Just as swiftly as Kambei Shimada ...

  4. Hace 2 días · Kurosawa Akira, first Japanese film director to win international acclaim, noted for such films as Rashomon (1950), Ikiru (1952), Seven Samurai (1954), Throne of Blood (1957), Kagemusha (1980), and Ran (1985). Learn more about Kurosawa’s life and career.

  5. Hace 3 días · Ran was acclaimed as one of Kurosawa’s greatest films in the grandeur of its imagery, the intellectual depth of its screen adaptation, and the intensity of its dramatic performances. His last three films— Dreams (1990), Rhapsody in August (1990), and Madadayo (1993)—were not as well received.

  6. Hace 4 días · "Les Sept Samouraïs", chef-d'oeuvre du maestro Akira Kurosawa, ressort en salles le 3 juillet dans une version intégrale 4K. Monument du cinéma japonais, le film est à (re)voir absolument !

  7. Hace 2 días · One of director Akira Kurosawa’s many masterpieces, Ikiru tells the story of a Japanese bureaucrat who decides, after a terminal cancer diagnoses, he is lacking of a legacy. Years have been wasted away with bureaucratic pencil pushing and a life devoted to a son who does not reciprocate his level of love, our bureaucrat Mr. Watanabe (Takashi Shimura) has been hollowed of his passion for life ...