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  1. Hace 5 días · The theory of fluid vs. crystallized intelligence was first proposed by psychologist Raymond Cattelwith his student John Horn. The theory suggests that intelligence comprises different abilities that interact and work together to produce overall individual intelligence.

  2. Hace 2 días · Raymond Cattell, a student of Charles Spearman's, modified the unitary g factor model and divided g into two broad, relatively independent domains: fluid intelligence (Gf) and crystallized intelligence (Gc).

  3. Hace 2 días · Mental Testing, Educability, Eugenics, and Immigration. Before the Passing of the Great Race and the publication of the Binet-Simon tests, the quantitative study of mental abilities was already underway in the 1890s. American Psychologist James McKeen Cattell, inspired by his contact with Francis Galton, used reaction time, sensory acuity, and memory as “mental tests.”

  4. Hace 3 días · Psychologist Raymond Cattell defined fluid and crystallized intelligence and authored the Cattell Culture Fair III IQ test. Raymond Cattell (1941) proposed two types of cognitive abilities in a revision of Spearman's concept of general intelligence.

  5. Hace 1 día · El Cuestionario Factorial de Personalidad 16PF, desarrollado por Raymond Cattell, identifica 16 rasgos o categorías de personalidad que están presentes en diferentes proporciones en cada individuo. Con 170 preguntas, este test evalúa cómo respondemos a diversas situaciones laborales, siendo especialmente conveniente para procesos de ...

  6. Hace 4 días · The content of evolutionary psychology has derived from, on the one hand, the biological sciences (especially evolutionary theory as it relates to ancient human environments, the study of paleoanthropology and animal behavior) and, on the other, the human sciences, especially psychology.

  7. Hace 5 días · Raymond Bernard Cattell fue un psicólogo británico que teorizó sobre la inteligencia y la personalidad. Propuso la existencia de una inteligencia fluida y cristalizada. Desarrolló un modelo de 16 factores de la personalidad basado en el análisis factorial de datos de vida, cuestionarios y tests de los sujetos. ...

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    Raymond Cattell y john l. horn
    raymond b. cattell
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