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  1. Antonio López de Santa Anna (b. Xalapa, February 21, 1794; d. Mexico City, June 21, 1876) was one of the most notorious military caudillos of 19th-century Mexico. He was involved in just about every major event of the early national period and served as president on six different occasions (1833–1835, 1839, 1841–1843, 1843–1844, 1846 ...

  2. In 1834, Mexican conservatives seized the political initiative, and General Antonio López de Santa Anna became the centralist president of Mexico. The conservative-dominated Congress abandoned the federal system, replacing it with a unitary central government that removed power from the states.

  3. Among the rebel leaders was General Antonio López de Santa Anna, who would dominate Mexico’s political life for the next third of a century. In Veracruz , on December 2, 1822, Santa Anna proclaimed that Mexico should become a republic, a position supported by many rebels and liberal leaders.

  4. Antonio López de Santa Anna, future President of Mexico, fought in this battle as a royalist and followed his superiors' orders to take no prisoners.

  5. Pero como el presidente Antonio López de Santa Anna se negó a tomar su cargo con el argumento de encontrarse indispuesto, Gómez Farías ocupó la presidencia y, con el apoyo del Dr. José María Luis Mora, dio forma a una importante reforma liberal que tenía entre sus puntos principales la libertad de cultos, la separación Iglesia-Estado, la disminu...

  6. With no military force to implement their plans, they bided time until their opportunity came, in 1854, when Juan Álvarez, a surviving hero of independence, and Ignacio Comonfort, a political moderate, proclaimed a liberal rebellion against Santa Anna and forced him out of the presidency.

  7. Espacio para toda la familia con un profundo sabor catequético en el que estudiar la fe que profesamos en el Credo, celebramos en los sacramentos y vivimos a través de los mandamientos y la oración. Todo ello a la luz del Compendio del Catecismo. Más información.

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