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  1. Hace 3 días · Miércoles 26 de junio de 2024. S olo bastó un mago, el mundo de Hogwarts y la tremenda imaginación de J. K. Rowling, para formar “Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal”. El primer libro de la de la saga; y que significó el debut de la escritora como autora profesional. Solo se imprimieron 1000 ejemplares en su primera edición y esta obra introdujo la historia del joven mago que, con el ...

  2. Hermione is immediately introduced as a know-it-all, "unsufferable genius" type. Later, she becomes a caricature of an activist. But actually, I noticed that her "activist phase" was really only in books 4 and 5 - she "calms down" after. I also think that, ironically, her character development mirrors JK Rowling's life : Both started as ...

  3. Hace 5 días · Top Hermione Granger. In the aftermath of the Battle of Hogwarts, the wizarding world is shrouded in darkness, gripped by a relentless war with no end in sight. When a mission to locate a Horcrux ends in tragedy, Draco discovers Hermione wounded and vulnerable.

  4. Hace 5 días · Hermione Granger wanted nothing more than to get out of London after her parents murder at the hands of the Dark Lords men. For six years she plotted her escape until a useful rumour hit the heart of Britain.

  5. Hace 4 días · Married Hermione Granger/Harry Potter. Endgame Hermione Granger/Harry Potter. A collection of light, short stories following Harry and Hermione Potter and their family life at home with their two young daughters, baby son and their Kneazle kitten called Mimi.

  6. Hace 3 días · Slytherin Hermione Granger; After Hogwarts; Draco and Hermione are best friends; Summary. Tom Riddle never expected Mutare Tempus to actually work but when he jumps from 1945 to 1997 he knows something went wrong. The world is nothing like he expected, and neither is the mudblood Slytherin prefect who he can’t help but loathe.

  7. Hace 4 días · J.K. Rowling entwarf den Charakter von Hermine Granger nach ihrem eigenen Vorbild als 11 jähriges Mädchen samt der Affinität zum Lesen und dem Otter Patronus als ihr Lieblingstier. Gleiche mehrere Drehorte liegen in Oxford. So diente das Christ Church College als Kulisse für mehrere Innenaufnahmen.

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