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  1. Johann Friedrich Struensee. J.F. Struensee was born in Germany. He was educated in Halle and worked after that as a physician in Altona. In 1768, Struensee became physician to the mentally ill Christian VII, and after having travelled with the King, he moved to Copenhagen. The King’s new physician entered a confident relationship with his ...

  2. 12 de dic. de 2017 · In June 1771, Christian named Johann Friedrich Struensee Secret Cabinet Minister and gave him the general power of attorney, de facto making him the absolute ruler of the Danish Kingdom. But whereas he developed an incredible efficiency in issuing new legislation and enjoyed a harmonious love life with the Queen, dark clouds started to tower on ...

  3. J.F. Struensee var en tysk læge og statsmand i dansk tjeneste. Han var bror til C.A. Struensee. J.F. Struensee var søn af en pietistisk teologiprofessor i Halle, hvor han i 1757 tog den medicinske doktorgrad. Han virkede derefter som læge i Altona og påvirkedes af byens radikale oplysningsmiljø. I 1768 fulgte han som læge den danske konge, Christian 7., på hans store rejse til London og ...

  4. Introduction. During the late 18 th century in Denmark, a German physician, Johann Friedrich Struensee, came to King Christian VII’s court as his personal physician. The mentally unstable king struck up a close friendship with his doctor, while Struensee began an affair with the queen, Caroline Mathilda. During this period, Struensee had a ...

  5. Johann Friedrich Struensee egy, a lutheránus egyház pietista irányzatához tartozó lelkész, Adam Struensee fiaként Halléban született, és ott végezte orvosi tanulmányait. 1758 -tól (a jelenleg Hamburghoz tartozó) Altonában praktizált, amely akkor a Dán Királyság fennhatósága alá tartozott. 1764 -ben megjelent könyvében a ...

  6. 5 de ago. de 2021 · Johann Friedrich Struensee, who had just turned twenty, followed his parents and in early 1758 found employment as a city physician and doctor for the poor. As a doctor, Struensee successfully fought the spread of epidemics by improving hygiene – for example, a separate bed for each orphan – and introduced smallpox vaccination.

  7. Johann Friedrich Struensee (5. august 1737–28. april 1772) var ein dansk-tysk lege og politikar.Han verka som livlege for kong Kristian VII av Danmark-Noreg frå 1769 og var den eigentlege makthavaren i Danmark-Noreg i åra 1770–1772. På grunn av sinnssjukdomen til den regjerande Kristian VII kunne hoffolk som fekk tillit hos kongen i realiteten ta over regjeringsmakta.