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  1. Timothy Leary. Timothy Francis Leary (1920-1996) was a psychologist, researcher, writer, and controversial counterculture icon known for advocating the use of LSD, psilocybin, and other psychedelics under controlled conditions. Several of his catchphrases like “turn on, tune in, drop out” echoed throughout the 1960s and 1970s.

  2. D r. Timothy Leary, Ph.D. (1920-1996) An extraordinary inner-space pioneer, outer-space advocate, ex-Harvard professor, psychologist, philosopher, explorer, teacher, optimist, humorist, author and revolutionary avatar of the mind. Rightly called the Galileo of Consciousness, he went public with his observations of the mind made with psychedelic mindscopes and helped initiate a renaissance ...

  3. - Eight Circuit Model of Consciousness. Tunnel-Realities and Imprints. written by Robert Anton Wilson. Let's try Dr. Leary's perspective on these mysteries. To understand neurological space, Dr. Leary assumes that the nervous system consists of eight potential circuits, or "gears," or mini-brains.

  4. 25 de ene. de 2017 · Episode 053, Recorded on April 10, 1967Guest: Timothy Francis LearyFor more information about this program, see:

  5. Timothy Leary, el mesías de la psicodelia. Hoy se cumplen 20 años de la muerte del psicólogo estadounidense que investigó el uso y los efectos terapéuticos de las sustancias psicoactivas.

  6. 18 de jun. de 2006 · Leary was intelligent, and he did not lack ambition, but—as Robert Greenfield meticulously documents in his exhaustive biography, “Timothy Leary” (Harcourt; $28)—his education was a game ...

  7. Timothy Francis Leary (22. október 1920 - 31. maí 1996), var bandarískur sálfræðingur og rithöfundur sem var eindreginn stuðningsmaður notkunar skynörvandi lyfja (e. psychedelic drugs) og stóð fyrir frægum tilraunum og rannsóknum á notkun lyfsins LSD.

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