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  1. 21 de nov. de 2018 · La hija de Kate Moss y Jefferson Hack protagoniza, a sus 16 años, su primera portada y cuenta para ello con padrinos de excepción como el fotógrafo Tim Walker y la estilista Katy England.

  2. 13 de jun. de 2011 · Jefferson Hack was thought to have wooed Kate Moss by telling her she smelled. "You smell of pee," he told her. "Kate is used to men being in totally awe of her," a friend told the Mirror. "So Jefferson was like a breath of fresh air."

  3. 13 de oct. de 2016 · As Jefferson Hack put it in Dazed’s 20th birthday issue in 2011, “We were really naïve and young and inexperienced, but in a way we didn’t care. We were arrogant little shits, but we were untrained by the industry, so what you see is an explosion of ideas”. Quite literally making it up as they went along, the book of the same name was ...

  4. 28 de sept. de 2021 · The story began with a phone call. In 1991, a photographer called Rankin Waddell (then 23) rang a journalism student called Jefferson Hack (then 18) about working on the student magazine. They met up in the canteen of their university, the London College of Printing (now the London College of Communication), and immediately hit it off.

  5. 6 de dic. de 2022 · Jefferson Hack, 51, reveals he's engaged to US model Anna Cleveland, 33, after giving daughter Lila Moss, 20 a shout out in rare public statement as he joins a glittering crowd at British Fashion ...

  6. 1991 年,時年 19 歲的媒體人 Jefferson Hack 與攝影師 Rankin Waddell 打算製作「自己想看的雜誌」,於是一起出動去採訪,而後推出 A2 大小的單張摺頁傳單——這就是獨立雜誌界傳奇《Dazed & Confused》(簡稱《Dazed》)的起點。30 年來,這份紙本雜誌為渴望新資訊、汲取 ...

  7. 31 de jul. de 2023 · Wesele Anny Cleveland i Jeffersona Hacka było wielkim spotkaniem modowej rodziny. Modelka Anna Cleveland poślubiła współzałożyciela Dazed podczas romantycznej ceremonii niedaleko Windsoru. Na liście gości znalazło się wiele gwiazd ze świata mody. Biorąc pod uwagę, że jest doświadczonym wydawcą, nie dziwi, że Jefferson Hack ...