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  1. John William Polidori John William Polidori (7 September 1795-24 August 1821) was the son of Gaetano Polidori, a Tuscan man of letters and at one point secretary to the dramatist Vittorio Alfieri, who had emigrated to England where he married a Miss Pierce and settled in London as a teacher of Italian.John was educated at Ampleforth, Yorkshire -- a Roman Catholic school -- and subsequently ...

  2. by John William Polidori, edited by William Michael Rossetti. Letters. Index of Names. →. I add here two letters which Polidori wrote to his sister Frances (my mother, then a girl of only sixteen), and two to his father. The first letter was written soon after beginning the journey with Byron; the last not long after the date of parting from him.

  3. Sus padres son Gabriele Rossetti y Frances Polidori. Sus hermanos fueron miembros fundadores de la Hermandad Prerrafaelita, con la que mantuvo estrechas relaciones. Christina Rossetti era profundamente religiosa y creía firmemente en el anglocatolicismo.

  4. François POLIDORI, Director of Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris (CNAM) | Contact François POLIDORI

  5. This paper deals with John William Polidori’s "The Vampyre: A Tale" (1819) as a response to the image of Greece in Lord Byron’s early works, and especially in “The Giaour” (1813) and “Fragment of a Novel” (1819). The aim of this paper is to investigate the difference of this image, as Byron views modern Greece as a ‘sad relic of ...

  6. 18 de nov. de 2016 · Robert Polidori. Published. 18 November 2016. Since antiquity, artists have fallen under the spell of ruins. For centuries, the rediscovery of vestiges of the past, the probing of our origins and abandoning of ourselves to the contemplation of the decaying and evocative beauty of a lost world have stimulated thought and creative consciousness.

  7. 16 de oct. de 2019 · El vampiro es el relato fundacional del género del «vampiro romántico». Polidori lo escribió en las tormentosas noches de verano, entre el 16 de junio y el 19 de junio de 1816, en Villa Diodati, junto con Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, Mary Shelley, la condesa Potocka y Matthew Lewis. El relato trata de exponer la fuerza del mito que hace que la gente común no crea en los vampiros, de ahí ...