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  1. 3 de jul. de 2023 · Y así ocurrió: tres meses después de la rendición de Japón, el 21 de diciembre de 1945 un tanque de la marca Sherman, e irónicamente del modelo Patton, con los frenos rotos, aplastaba su ...

  2. 5 de jun. de 2024 · George Patton - WW2, Military Leader, Controversy: In time Patton’s legacy has come to be defined by his controversial and sometimes erratic behaviour almost as much as by his martial prowess. When a pair of mules blocked a bridge during the Sicily offensive in 1943, halting his armoured convoy and making it vulnerable to enemy fire, Patton personally shot the animals and ordered them pushed ...

  3. 17 de mar. de 2002 · Franklin J. Schaffner's "Patton" (1970), released at the height of the unpopular war in Vietnam, was described by many reviewers at the time as "really" an anti-war film. It was nothing of the kind. It was a hard-line glorification of the military ethic, personified by a man whose flaws and eccentricities marginalized him in peacetime, but ...

  4. George Smith Patton General estadounidense Patton nació el 11 de noviembre de 1885 en San Gabriel (California). Cursó estudios en la Academia Militar de Estados Unidos.Licenciado en 1909, consiguió sucesivos ascensos hasta convertirse en general antes de 1945. Fue el ayudante de campo del general estadounidense John Joseph Pershing en la expedición a México de 1917.

  5. 26 de ago. de 2020 · General George S. Patton was a larger than life character as well as one of the finest field commanders during World War 2. George C. Scott's portrayal of this complex man is extraordinary in a film as much about war as it about men whose responsibility is to lead other men into harm's way.

  6. George S. Patton, (born Nov. 11, 1885, San Gabriel, Calif., U.S.—died Dec. 21, 1945, Heidelberg, Ger.), U.S. army officer. He graduated from West Point and fought in World War I with the newly formed tank corps. He was later promoted to major general and given command of the 2nd Armored Division (1940).

  7. George Smith Patton Jr. was a U.S. Army general who commanded the 7th U.S. Army in the Mediterranean and Europe during WWII, but is best known for his leader...

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