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  1. 5 de jul. de 2022 · J. Paul made his first million at age 23, and turned oil into gold by the billions. James Reginato's book, Growing Up Getty, is an exhaustive account of how the rich are different from you and me ...

  2. 保罗·盖蒂(Paul Getty,1892年12月15日-1976年6月6日)——石油怪杰,60年代世界首富。1930年其父死时给了他50万美元,以后20年间他在股市和石油界不断拼搏,扩大自己的势力,1953年因在科威特边境打井成功,不到3年就积蓄10亿美元,成为了美国首富,以后20年保持这种地位,直到阿拉伯国家把石油收归 ...

  3. Jean Paul Getty. Jean Paul Getty (Minneapolis, Minnesota, 15. prosinca 1892. – Guildford, Surrey, 6. lipnja 1976.), američki industrijalac, naftni magnat. Milijarder je postao već u svojoj 21. godini. Investicijama u industriju nafte i oko 200 drugih koncerna zgrnuo je bogatstvo koje se procjenjuje na 2 do 4 milijarde dolara.. Getty je bio osobenjak. Ženio se pet puta, a posljednjih 25 ...

  4. Après cinq mois de captivité, John Paul Getty III est relâché le 15 décembre à une station d’essence après le paiement d’une rançon de trois millions de dollars : 2,2 millions payés ...

  5. Jean Paul Getty (December 15, 1892 – June 6, 1976) was an American industrialist. He founded the Getty Oil Company. In 1957 Fortune magazine named him the richest living American. The 1966 Guinness Book of Records named him as the world's richest private citizen, worth an estimated $1,200 million.

  6. George Getty (pt) e Sarah Catherine McPherson Risher (en) Jean Paul Getty, nado en Minneapolis ( Minnesota) o 15 de decembro de 1892 e finado en Londres o 6 de xuño de 1976, foi un empresario estadounidense, fundador da compañía Getty Oil .

  7. Jean Paul Getty Getty Oil Company 1956–1976 Getty Oil Company 1956–1976 Industry: Utilities ... In 1949, the daring Getty paid $9.5 million for a sixty-year concession in Saudi Arabia’s half of the neutral barren tract lying between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. After an initial investment of $30 million, Getty’s speculation paid off. ...