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  1. Francesco Salviati, pseudónimo de Francesco de' Rossi (Florencia, 1510 - Roma, 1563), fue un pintor manierista italiano. También fue conocido como Cecchino del Salviati.Estos diversos apelativos tuvieron su origen en el cardenal Giovanni Salviati, patrón del artista y con cuyo séquito marchó a Roma.

  2. Giovanni Battista Naldini (Fiesole, 1535-Florencia, 18 de febrero de 1591) fue un pintor italiano del manierismo tardío en Florencia. ... Pintó el retablo de la Vocación de San Mateo en la Capilla Salviati de la Iglesia y convento de San Marco, donde trabajó con Francesco Morandini.

  3. Giovanni Salviati: Mother: Maddalena Gondi: Jacopo Salviati (15 September 1461 – 6 September 1533) was a Florentine politician and son-in-law of Lorenzo de' Medici. On 10 September 1486 he married Lorenzo's daughter Lucrezia de' Medici, with whom he had ten children.

  4. Biography. Florentine Mannerist painter, a pupil of Andrea del Sarto. Originally Francesco de' Rossi, he adopted his name from his patron Cardinal Giovanni Salviati, with whom he went to Rome c. 1530 and for whom he painted the work that established his reputation there - the frescoes in the Oratorio di San Giovanni Decollato, Rome (1538). In 1539 he travelled to Venice, and from the 1540s led ...

  5. Maria Salviati, daughter of Lucrezia de’ Medici and Jacopo Salviati and granddaughter of Lorenzo the Magnificent, was born in Florence in 1499. Her marriage to Giovanni de’ Medici (1498–1526) took place in 1516.

  6. Giovanni Salviati (Florença, 24 de março de 1490 - Ravena, 28 de outubro de 1553) foi um cardeal do século XVII. Primeiros anos. Nasceu em Florença em 24 de março de 1490. A mais velha dos onze filhos de Jacopo Salviati e Lucrezia de' Medici, irmã mais velha do Papa Leão X. Os outros irmãos eram ...

  7. When Cardinale Giovanni Salviati was born on 24 March 1490, in Florence, Florence, Tuscany, Italy, his father, Jacopo Salviati, was 28 and his mother, Lucrezia Maria Romola De' Medici Principessa, was 19. He died on 28 October 1553, in Santissima Redentore, Ravenna, Ravenna, Emilia-Romagna, Italy, at the age of 63, and was buried in Ferrara ...