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  1. antitrust. Antitrust refers to the regulation of the concentration of economic power, particularly in regard to monopolies and other anticompetitive practices. Antitrust laws exist as both federal statutes and state statutes. The three key federal statutes in Antitrust Law are; Sherman Act Section 1: Describes and prohibits specific conduct ...

  2. antitrust. 1. Adm. y Merc. Dicho de una medida o de una regulación: Dirigida a asegurar la competencia de los mercados. 2. Adm. y Merc. Se dice de una rama del derecho de la competencia. derecho de defensa de la competencia.

  3. E’ possibile segnalare all’antitrust anche: tramite posta ordinaria inviando la segnalazione a Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 6/A – 00198 Roma; via fax al numero 06-85821256; alla casella di posta elettronica certificata dell’Autorità: Al fine di garantire una ...

  4. Antitrust: Principles, Cases, and Materials (2d Edition) is an antitrust textbook offered for free download from this website under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License. "This is a wonderful book by brilliant authors and a concept whose time has come.

  5. tramite posta ordinaria inviando la segnalazione a Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, Piazza Giuseppe Verdi 6/A – 00198 Roma; inviando la segnalazione scritta alla casella ; compilando e inviando on line il modulo cui si accede tramite il link segnala on line. Queste modalità di segnalazione sono ...

  6. Antitrust (also titled [5] and Startup [6]) is a 2001 American techno thriller film written by Howard Franklin and directed by Peter Howitt. [7] [8] Antitrust portrays young idealistic programmers and a large corporation (NURV) that offers a significant salary, an informal working environment, and creative opportunities for those ...

  7. Antitrust control. The Treaty on the Functioning of the EU (TFEU) prohibits antitrust (anti-competitive) behaviour in the form of: abuse of dominant positions (Article 102). Article 101 forbids agreements (i.e. cartels) where 2 or more firms try to restrict competition. Agreements may be horizontal (between competitors at the same level of the ...

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