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  1. A casa onde viveu Boole entre 1849 e 1855 em Cork, na Irlanda. A sepultura de George Boole, em Cork, na Irlanda.. O pai de Boole tinha uma pequena loja de sapatos em Ballintemple, na Irlanda.O que se esperava das crianças desta classe era que aprendessem o mínimo de catecismo para que não ultrapassassem o limite de obediência aos que se encontravam em boa situação financeira.

  2. George Boole, (born Nov. 2, 1815, Lincoln, Eng.—died Dec. 8, 1864, Ballintemple, Ire.), British mathematician. Though basically self-taught and lacking a university degree, in 1849 he was appointed professor of mathematics at Queen’s College in Ireland.

  3. ジョージ・ブール(George Boole, 1815年 11月2日 - 1864年 12月8日)は、イギリスの数学者・哲学者。多くの実績があるが、コンピュータ科学の分野の基礎的な理論のひとつであるブール代数(ブール論理)が現代では広く知られている。

  4. 7 de ene. de 2015 · El lunes pasado se cumplieron 200 años del nacimiento de George Boole y Google le está rindiendo homenaje con un "doodle" ("garabato") especial. Y nosotros aprovechamos la ocasión para relanzar ...

  5. George Boole who is famous for his work called the Boolean algebra, belonged to Lincoln, England. He was born there on November 2, 1815 to John Boole and Mary Ann Joyce. His father was a cobbler but had great interest in science. Later in 1853, he worked as a curator for the library of Lincoln […]

  6. THE LIFE AND WORK OF GEORGE BOOLE: A PRELUDE TO THE DIGITAL AGE. This book, aimed at the general reader and now available again, is the first full-length biography of George Boole (1815–1864) who has been variously described as the founder of pure mathematics, one of the fathers of computer science and discoverer of symbolic logic.

  7. George Boole (* 2. november 1815, Lincoln, Spojené kráľovstvo – † 8. december 1864, Cork) bol anglický logik a matematik. Vymyslel systém na ohodnotenie pravdivostných hodnôt výrazov zložených z logických spojok AND, OR, NOT a logických premenných nadobúdajúcich iba dve hodnoty – 1 (PRAVDA) a 0 (NEPRAVDA).

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