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  1. 13 de abr. de 2024 · Por Daniel J. Mahoney. Leo Strauss y la promesa de la filosofía política fue publicado originalmente en Law & Liberty.. El año 2023 fue testigo de dos aniversarios significativos relacionados con la vida y el pensamiento del filósofo político Leo Strauss: el 70 aniversario de la publicación de su obra más conocida y sinóptica, Derecho natural e historia (1953), y el 50 aniversario de ...

  2. 1 de ene. de 1995 · Abstract Leo Strauss revitalized the potential of political philosophy, which had been buried by positivism and historicism. Strauss was both impressed by and dissatisfied with the contemporary criticism of rationalism. Studying the history of political philosophy, he discovered that classical rationalism is not open to the criticism of rationalism because it does not begin by assuming the ...

  3. Filósofo y pensador alemán de origen judío, Leo Strauss emigró a Estados Unidos tras el ascenso del nazismo. Strauss estudió en Fribrugo y Maburg y recibió una beca Rockefeller en París. Profesor en universidades como Cambridge, Stanford o Chicago, su trabajo sobre filosofía y política está considerado como uno de los más importantes ...

  4. Leo Strauss (1899–1973) was a professor in the Department of Political Science at the University of Chicago from 1949 to 1969. He also held posts at the New School for Social Research, Claremont McKenna College, and St. John’s College in Annapolis. Born and educated in Germany, he studied and corresponded with some of Europe’s leading ...

  5. I believe that Leo Strauss, who died 50 years ago in October 1973, was a treasure of inestimable value because he gave a wake-up call to revive the civil war of philosophy, and in so doing left his legacy to the school of Straussians, whom I will call the “woke.” Let others who use this name beware of being confused with Straussians.

  6. 16 de abr. de 2024 · The year 2023 witnessed two significant anniversaries related to the life and thought of the political philosopher Leo Strauss: the 70th anniversary of the publication of his best-known and most synoptic work, Natural Right and History (1953), and the 50th anniversary of his death in 1973. A figure of controversy in his life, Strauss and his students (so-called “Straussians”) remain ...

  7. [89] Leo Strauss as a Young Zionist • Jerry Muller overlook, downplay, or misunderstand is the significance of Zionism for Strauss.2 One distinguished expositor of Strauss’s work, Steven B. Smith, has asserted in his introduction to The Cambridge Companion to Leo Strauss that “Strauss was not originally a student of political theory or political philosophy.

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