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  1. Mileva Marić was the only woman to be examined, and failed with an average of 4.00 (corresponding to a C). When she repeated the exam one year later after having taken more course work, she failed again with exactly the same average of 4.00. At this point in time Mileva was already pregnant, and Albert’s parents had rejected her as a ...

  2. Mileva MARIC-EINSTEIN. Mileva was born on 19 December 1875 to a rich family in Title, Vojvodina. Following her secondary education in Novi Sad she enrolled at the Royal Classical High School which until then had been an all-male institution. She had to get special permission to study Physics which she went on to pass and achieve the highest ...

  3. 19 de sept. de 2018 · Mileva Marić je bila jedina žena koja je 1886. godine primljena na Državnu politehničku školu (ETH) u Cirihu, te tek peta koja je dobila priliku da se obrazuje u toj akademskoj ustanovi. Bila je tek druga žena koja je završila ceo studij na Odseku za matematiku i fiziku, ali nije uspela da položi stručni ispit.

  4. Családja. Mileva 1875. december 19-én született az akkor Magyarországhoz ( Osztrák–Magyar Monarchia) tartozó (délvidéki Bács-Bodrog vármegyei) Titelen. Apja Milos Marić, gazdag földbirtokos, állami tisztségviselő, egyébként leszerelt katona volt, fontos tevékenységet végzett a helybeli szerb ortodox egyházi közösségben.

  5. 14 de mar. de 2019 · Albert Einstein’s first wife, Mileva Einstein-Marić, was forgotten for decades. Einstein’s Wife: The Real Story of Mileva Einstein-Marić reexamines the history of this unknown woman. “Hers is a story that is not often told,” writes co-writer Allen Esterson, “Yet, when closely examined, it provides important and valuable insights into the struggle of this determined woman then, and ...

  6. 23 de mar. de 2024 · Various books and films have highlighted the important contributions that Mileva Marić made to the scientific work of Einstein, who won the Nobel Prize in 1921. But Croatian novelist Slavenka Drakulić — with a long body of work behind her, which includes titles such as The Taste of a Man ...

  7. Življenje. Mileva Marić se je rodila v uradniški družini v majhni vojvodinski vasici Titel, ki je takrat spadala v madžarski del avstro-ogrske monarhije.Leta 1882 je začela obiskovati šolo v Rumi.Leta 1886 so jo kot izjemno bistro učenko vpisali na Srbsko visoko dekliško šolo v Novem Sadu.Leta 1887 se je prepisala na realko, leta 1890 po se je vpisala na Kraljevsko srbsko gimnazijo v ...

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