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  1. Neural Networks provides a forum for developing and nurturing an international community of scholars and practitioners who are interested in all aspects of neural networks, including deep learning and related approaches to artificial intelligence and machine learning.

  2. Una red neuronal es un programa, o modelo, de machine learning que toma decisiones de forma similar al cerebro humano, utilizando procesos que imitan la forma en que las neuronas biológicas trabajan juntas para identificar fenómenos, sopesar opciones y llegar a conclusiones.

  3. A neural network is a machine learning program, or model, that makes decisions in a manner similar to the human brain, by using processes that mimic the way biological neurons work together to identify phenomena, weigh options and arrive at conclusions.

  4. Una red neuronal, o red neuronal artificial, es un tipo de arquitectura informática utilizada en AI avanzada. Conozca los distintos tipos de redes neuronales.

  5. A neural network is a group of interconnected units called neurons that send signals to one another. Neurons can be either biological cells or mathematical models . While individual neurons are simple, many of them together in a network can perform complex tasks.

  6. In machine learning, a neural network (also artificial neural network or neural net, abbreviated ANN or NN) is a model inspired by the structure and function of biological neural networks in animal brains.

  7. ¿Qué es una red neuronal? Una red neuronal es un método de la inteligencia artificial que enseña a las computadoras a procesar datos de una manera que está inspirada en la forma en que lo hace el cerebro humano.

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