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  1. GQ-ASC es un instrumento efectivo para el tamizaje de trastorno del espectro autista en mujeres adultas. Proporciona valiosa información sobre las características y experiencias compartidas de esta población subdiagnosticada y subrepresentada de la comunidad autista.

  2. GQ-ASC Scale for Adult Women. This screening questionnaire is designed to identify behaviours and abilities in women that are associated with autism. Instructions: Here is a list of questions and statements. Please read each question and statement very carefully, and rate how strongly you agree or disagree with it by circling your answer.

  3. 3 de sept. de 2020 · The modified GQ-ASC is an effective and highly discriminant screening tool for use in adult autistic women. It provides valuable insight into the shared features and experiences of this underrecognized and underrepresented subset of the autistic community.

  4. The modified GQ-ASC is an effective and highly discriminant screening tool for use in adult autistic women. It provides valuable insight into the shared features and experiences of this underrecognized and underrepresented subset of the autistic community. Keywords: autistic, women, screening. Lay Summary. Why was this study done?

  5. El Cuestionario de Cribaje para el Espectro Autista (extensión para chicas) se administra a chicas (y chicos) de 6 a 16 años de edad. El cuestionario presenta 18 ítems que se puntúan escogiendo entre las opciones No, Algo y Sí, asociadas a los valores numéricos de 0, 1 y 2 respectivamente:

  6. › images › Q-ASC_Scoring_Info_10/12/2018The Q-ASC - SPECTRUM ASC-MED

    The Questionnaire for Autism Spectrum Conditions (Q-ASC) was developed by Attwood, Garnett, and Rynkiewicz (2011) to identify behaviours and abilities consistent with the female presentation of autism to support positive psychosocial outcomes and prognosis for girls into adulthood.

  7. 1 de sept. de 2020 · The modified GQ-ASC is an effective and highly discriminant screening tool for use in adult autistic women. It provides valuable insight into the shared features and experiences of this underrecognized and underrepresented subset of the autistic community.