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  1. Ezellohar was a green mound of grass near the western gate of Valmar. Ezellohar was raised up and hallowed by Yavanna Kementári during the time before the sun. Here, she sat singing songs of power which rang through all the growing things.

  2. Ezellohar es una hermosa colina verde ubicada a la izquierda de la Puerta Dorada, fuera de los Muros de Valimar en donde Yavanna sembró los Dos Árboles de Valinor, que allí crecieron y florecieron.

  3. Ezellohar es una hermosa colina verde ubicada fuera de los Portones Dorados orientales de Valmar, en donde Yavanna sembró Los Dos Árboles de Valinor, que allí crecieron y florecieron. Ezellohar es una palabra vanyarin (quenya antiguo), adaptada del valarin Ezellôchâr, aunque en noldorin o quenya moderno se

  4. 25 de jun. de 2024 · The Two Trees of Valinor grew nearby on the mound of Ezellohar. It is said that the houses in Valimar had roofs of gold and their floors silver and their doors were of polished bronze; and that they were lifted with spells and their stones were bound with magic.

  5. 5 de sept. de 2022 · Ezellohar was the name of a small hill that was located just outside the western gates of Valmar, the city of the Valar. After Yavanna hallowed it, she sang a powerful song sitting upon the green grass before the Máhanaxar. Of which, she thought of all the things that could grow from the mound.

  6. 25 de jun. de 2024 · Ezellohar was the name of a small hill that was located just outside the western gates of Valimar, the city of the Valar. After Yavanna hallowed it, she sang a powerful song sitting upon the green grass before the Máhanaxar. Of which, she thought of all the things that could grow from the mound.

  7. 17 de jul. de 2022 · Fueron cultivados por la valië Yavanna en la colina de Ezellohar, frente a la puerta dorada de Valmar (Capital de Valinor y hogar de los Valar y los Maiar). Su vida se alargó hasta el funesto Oscurecimiento de Valinor. Día en el que Morgoth viajó en secreto con la terrible Ungoliant a Valinor e hirió de muerte ambos árboles con su lanza ...