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  1. William Glasser, in his 'Choice Theory' (renamed from his 'Control Theory') detailed five needs that are quite close to Maslow's Hierarchy, but with some interesting twists. Survival. This is similar to Maslow's physiological and safety level. They are basic needs which are of little interest unless they are threatened. Love/belonging/connection

  2. The need for survival is the most basic need and is number one for everyone. However, if our need for survival is taken care of, we all have one need that is MOST important to US. (Love, Power, Freedom or Fun) This will be different for everyone. Read the following pages and take the Needs Inventory to determine

  3. Fun and Enjoyment. All humans have a basic need to have fun, and seek enjoyment in what they do. Enjoyment can also be the reward of learning new things. We seek enjoyment through hobbies and leisure activities, but we are also driven by a need to enjoy our work.

  4. 5 Basic Needs. Understand how needs for Survival, Love & Belonging, Power, Freedom and Fun motivate behavior. Learn More

  5. Characteristics of the Five Basic Needs: Universal. Innate. Overlapping. Satisfied from moment to moment. Conflict w/ Others' Needs. According to Dr. Glasser, all behavior is purposeful.

  6. 8 de abr. de 2024 · This guide illustrates how to use Maslow’s 5 basic needs to understand your motivations and help facilitate psychological growth. What motivates you? What drives you to get out of bed and do what you do each day?

  7. 4 de feb. de 2024 · At its core, reality therapy is a form of therapy that aims to help people with unmet needs, set goals, problem solve, and create more meaningful connections with others. It recognizes five basic human needs that must be met to allow for healthy functioning and life satisfaction (Good Therapy, 2015a):