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  1. Ever wonder if your yearly checkup is a doctor's appointment or a doctor appointment? Both are right, but the grammar behind it all is rather complex so read on for more. Both doctor's appointment and doctor appointment are acceptable for describing a medical visit.

  2. 27 de feb. de 2015 · In such a phrase the emphasis is on the word appointment. In the phrase "doctor's appointment" or "doctors' appointment" the possessive form of doctor shifts the emphasis away from appointment. Both ways are correct. It just depends on how you want your sentence to read.

  3. 9 de nov. de 2020 · An appointment is an agreement of meeting someone at an agreed time and place. A doctor’s appointment is a particular time the patient has set to get to see a medical doctor. This can be done through an email or online by booking a time prior in order to get the first slot available.

  4. Is It “Doctor’s Appointmentor “Doctors appointment”? “Doctor’s appointment” is grammatically correct and demonstrates the possessive form well. The “appointment” belongs to the “doctor,” as they are meeting with you about something.

  5. 22 de dic. de 2022 · There are 2 different things: (1) The doctor visit tomorrow. We do not "have" that today. It will not exist until tomorrow. (2) The appointment for a doctor visit tomorrow. We have that today. We have telephoned the doctor's office, and have scheduled a doctor visit tomorrow. We "have" it on our schedule now.

  6. 17 de jul. de 2018 · It would be more appropriate to say doctor's appointment as the doctor also has a scheduled appointment with you and it would be possessive. However, you can also say doctor appointment (compound noun) if you don't want to fuss over the punctuation.

  7. 6 de ago. de 2018 · In the phrase “doctors appointment,” the noun “doctor” is being used genitively to describe the type of appointment, while in “doctor appointment,” the noun is being used attributively (that is, adjectivally) to do the same thing.