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  1. Lo Shop di Sandro Soldarii per la pesca a mosca specializzato con prodotti di qualità selezionati quali canne da pesca, mulinelli, tippet & leader, mosche, materiali da costruzione ed accessori di marca Soldarini Fly Tackle.

  2. Fly Line Stillwater Competition, Midge tip: adecuado para pescar en las capas superiores; excelente para la pesca con buzzer.

  3. The best specific fly lines on the market for froller cast. Thanks to a 70ft belly they are distinguished by the extreme ease of obtaining long froller casts beyond all limits. Available in the floating, hover and fast intermediate clear versions in both 7/8 and 8/9 sizes.

  4. Specialized shop of Soldarini Sandro for fly fishing with selected quality products such as fishing rods, reels, tippet & leader, flies, building materials and accessories of the Soldarini Fly Tackle brand.

  5. Superb series of specific rods for stillwater, created to satisfy an ever-increasing number of enthusiasts who want more and more performing tools. We have meticulously taken care of the aesthetics using the best materials on the market today.

  6. Soldarini Fly Tackle è la mia Azienda nata grazie alla mia grande passione per la pesca a mosca. Ho speso parte della mia vita pescando, all’inizio per hobby fino alle gare internazionali.

  7. Stillwater Competition: Series of fly lines for lake fishing. Available in a range of models including Floater with special "detection strike" tip; Midge tip floater/intermediate tip for fishing the top surface layers or buzzer fishing; Sinking lines in Intermediate, Sink 3 and Sink 5 for searching a variety of depths.